Design by Clay

  First time using Adobe Dreamweaver CS4   At the end of a 10 week course in Multimedia, using Dreamweaver, Photoshop, and Flash, we had to build a website begining on week 8 for our final. This is the site I built for that class and received an A- for (because someone else was going to write the info on a page and failed to do so). This is what gave me the info about bandwidth and how to get the most out of using it to your advantage.   For future images and/or text.  
  First site built using only note pad.   This is from another class I took at the same community college. This one was for Web Development and was built using nothing but notepad. I had to write out the code, some was in the book and the rest we had to figure out for ourselves on what worked and what didn't. This was done slowly over the first nine weeks.   For future images and/or text.  
  Final for web development class.   Same web development class, but this is the final we had to do for it. This was done in 1 week and you were given almost no code at all, just images along with pictures of how the pages should look when your done.     For future images and/or text.