All About Multimedia


  In order to have a successful web site, there are certain guide lines that need to be followed. What type of site you decide to have will dictate what type of multimedia you will need to have on it. There is one type of multimedia that is overlooked my the majority of people that a good web designer knows to be important in any site. It is something we all use everyday in one form or another. We are constantly seeing it everywhere we go.  

So, have you figured out what it is yet?

It's the text that your reading right now. There are some web sites that are text only but these type of web sites don't appeal to a lot of people. Most who visit this types of sites do it for research or they're the ones who write for them. I don't mean the type of research to see who the next top model or singer is, I mean pure research for scientific purposes. One problem with an all text site is you better have a whole lot to say about nothing. This can some times be refered to as a blog site.

  Text can also be a graphic image as well. The little "buttons" you "push" to transport you to the next page are a form of graphic text. Text can also be used to make pictures with as well.  
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