
  The picture on the left and the one on the right are the same image saved in different formats. The actual size of both images is 3072x2304 which is large enough to fill up the whole page plus. Picture of snow falling into my front yard Picute of snow falling in my font yard, saved in a PNG format The major difference in these images is the file size.Can you guess which one is larger than the other?To find out the size of the files just mouse over the top of the file name. This is something that must always be taken in to consideration when putting any kind of images on a web site.  
The JPEG image is 766K in size
The PNG file is 4052K in size
  Now these four images all have one thing in common, besides being the same image. These are all JPEG images. The difference in them is at what level of JPEG they were saved in. Each one is a different size. Image from driving down the road saved in JPEG-Low Image saved in JPEG-High With the original size of the file being as large as it is, the quality of the image is barely noticeable. Only one of these images has an effect beyond the different level. There is one of each, low, high, and maximum. Could you tell them apart from each other? If space, or bandwith is an issue, then this could be very important as well.  
  The smallest of the four of these images is 103K in size, while the largest is a whopping 1244K. (I'll let you in on a secret. The one with the effects is not the largest.) Image saved in JPEG-Maximum Image saved in JPEG-Medium with Progressive and ColorEnhancement This is the one with the effects and it's size is only 231K saved at the second to lowest called Medium. The only level that wasn't used is Very High.  
  This is just a brief over view of a couple of options with images. There are also .BMP and the one you see to the right. This is a .GIF

Cat in Jar Gif - Cat in Jar
see more Gifs 

  Just as with graphics, pictures use a lot of bandwith if your not carefull. Size does matter!  
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